FMI: mitiga la stima dell’economia italiana del 2020, ma riduce la crescita nel 2021

FMI: mitiga la stima dell’economia italiana del 2020, ma riduce la crescita nel 2021

Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale aggiorna il World economic outlook

Per l’Italia il Fmi rivede al ribasso la stime di crescita nel 2021. Dopo una contrazione inferiore alle attese nel 2020, quando il Pil è calato del 9,2% rispetto al -10,6% previsto in ottobre, l’economia quest’anno crescerà del 3,0%, ovvero 2,2 punti percentuali in meno delle previsioni precedenti.

Policy Support and Vaccines Expected to Lift Activity

  • Although recent vaccine approvals have raised hopes of a turnaround in the pandemic later this year, renewed waves and new variants of the virus pose concerns for the outlook. Amid exceptional uncertainty, the global economy is projected to grow 5.5 percent in 2021 and 4.2 percent in 2022. The 2021 forecast is revised up 0.3 percentage point relative to the previous forecast, reflecting expectations of a vaccine-powered strengthening of activity later in the year and additional policy support in a few large economies.
  • The projected growth recovery this year follows a severe collapse in 2020 that has had acute adverse impacts on women, youth, the poor, the informally employed, and those who work in contact-intensive sectors. The global growth contraction for 2020 is estimated at -3.5 percent, 0.9 percentage point higher than projected in the previous forecast (reflecting stronger-than-expected momentum in the second half of 2020).
    • The strength of the recovery is projected to vary significantly across countries, depending on access to medical interventions, effectiveness of policy support, exposure to cross-country spillovers, and structural characteristics entering the crisis (Figure 1).

  • Policy actions should ensure effective support until the recovery is firmly underway, with an emphasis on advancing key imperatives of raising potential output, ensuring participatory growth that benefits all, and accelerating the transition to lower carbon dependence. As noted in the October 2020 World Economic Outlook (WEO), a green investment push coupled with initially moderate but steadily rising carbon prices would yield needed emissions reductions while supporting the recovery from the pandemic recession.
  • Strong multilateral cooperation is required to bring the pandemic under control everywhere. Such efforts include bolstering funding for the COVAX facility to accelerate access to vaccines for all countries, ensuring universal distribution of vaccines, and facilitating access to therapeutics at affordable prices for all. Many countries, particularly low-income developing economies, entered the crisis with high debt that is set to rise further during the pandemic. The global community will need to continue working closely to ensure adequate access to international liquidity for these countries. Where sovereign debt is unsustainable, eligible countries should work with creditors to restructure their debt under the Common Framework agreed by the G20.
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2021, Table 1

Fonte: Fondo Monetario Internazionale

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